About   cv   Etc   Now   Zettelkästen  


Beware: links are stored here. Some links have lived here for so long, they started to rot. That’s a shame but part of life on the internet.

If you look closely the URL mentions something about a blogroll, but that’s not quite accurate, is it now?

Some links are here because I kept them open in a browser tab for too long, so I might not have read them carefully myself. Neither do I necessarily endorse whatever is listed on these pages, deal with it! I also bookmark stuff under edwinwenink.xyz/microblog/, but those I have read for sure.

I do more or less try to organize links - it’s a futile effort, one may call it Archive Fever - but it doesn’t always work out. The order of links has no significance. That’s OK.

I collect links for finding more links under “Tiny Directories and Blogrolls,” if you want to go through hyperspace.

Intended to be permanently under construction.

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Yet to find a place

Insightful Blogs


Workflow / Writing

On Zettelkasten

Plain text tools and note-taking

Digital Garden

‘Academic’ tips, approaches

The Web (knowledge, archive, memory)

Indieweb and Federated Networks

Tiny directories, webrings and blogrolls

Web nostalgia

Minimalist / retro website design

Machine learning and data science

AI & Society


Text graphics: ASCII, ANSI, PETSCII, etc.





  • Bert Wenink (that’s my dad) wrote amongst other things a historical novel that describes the Atjeh war in Indonesia, The Netherland’s longest and bloodiest colonial war.

Unix stuff

Creative Coding


Information retrieval

Technology (and society)


Links I do not know yet how to categorize. Perhaps that’s the beauty of it.


Not to be confused with miscellaneous. These are really quite random.